Creative Direction & Curation For PHOTOGRAPHERS

Aly carrolL





Give me a few weeks off? I'll pack the car and hightail it to a Southern city if only to immerse myself in all the food, colors, style, and hospitality. Although I now call the Midwest love for the South is what initially drew me to a love for aesthetics and it's why I've built a career around creating beauty for my clients. Once you've picked peaches of a tree, watched the sunset on a South Carolina beach, or worn a linen dress while perusing the antique markets... beauty becomes ingrained in you.
At least it has for me...

Born in the peach state of georgia, I've always been smitten with the allure of the south...

Wife to Loren, mama to Grae, and published photographer (moonlighting as an interior designer)...I'm one of those multi-passionate entrepreneurs whose manifesto reads, "She made everything around her beautiful and that was her life." After studying fashion design in college, I founded a wedding & portrait photography business that quickly grew into a full-blown studio. My work was frequently published & featured on magazine covers, I pinched myself while photographing celebrity weddings, and I booked events at prices I could have never fathomed.

My business grew by the grace of God. But I was also very strategic in how I presented myself to the world worked. Today, I'm passing along all my "secrets" in hopes that I can help other entrepreneurs like you create a business that is distinctive, beautiful, and ultimately successful. We all have our reasons for becoming photographers- whether its a love for the art, staying at home with our babies, or using our talents to point to something greater...I'm convinced that it is one of the greatest jobs in the world and I would be thrilled to help you along your own journey.

Here's what I know for sure: If I can build a business that I love, you can too.

"Whenever you are creating beauty around you

You are restoring your own soul."

Free guide

How to take better iPhone Photos

5 easy tips for better phone portraits

As small business owners, it's so important that our ideal clients know, like, and trust us.  But how are they supposed to know us when taking a self-portrait feels next to impossible? In this guide I'm sharing 5 tips for how you can easily capture your work & personality on your own. With an iPhone and simple tripod, you'll feel empowered to take content creation into your own hands.

grab the guide!

It's time for your business to reflect that incredible vision you have on your heart...

Contact Aly, TOday!